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About Us

The main activity of the company is the realization of industrial floors, concrete floors, resin surfaces, anhydrite screed, cement screed. We are also renovating and rehabilitating damaged floors and staircases.

We offer our services not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad. We strive to offer the best possible service and therefore the realization of industrial floors utilize proven quality materials and prestigious brands.

Find us

KK Stav Concrete s.r.o.
Branch morava:
Nová 1815
753 01 Hranice
link to the map

Our services

Surface preparation

Surface preparation

Thorough surface preparation is a critical part of proper floor system...

KK Stav Concrete s.r.o. - Information o průmyslových podlahách, betonových podlahách, litých podlahách

Ccontact phone +420 731 520 145 / +420 736 622 435
Write to us info(a)kkstav.cz

Implementation of industrial floors,
mechanically polished concrete, monoliths, epoxy screeds,
flooring and decorative cast

Contact Us

Bořivojova 878 / 35, 130 00 Praha 3

Branch morava:
Galašova 156, 753 01 Hranice

KK Stav s.r.o. on facebooks
